塑料模具材料检测使用性能要求有哪些? |
添加时间:2019/10/21 15:11:54 浏览次数: |
塑料模具材料检测使用性能要求有哪些? What are the performance requirements of plastic mold material testing? 1 . 硬度和耐磨性 1. Hardness and wear resistance 塑料模具型腔表面检测要求应具有足够的耐磨损能力。 通常塑料模的硬度在38~55HRC范围内。 形状简单、 抛光性能要求高的模具, 硬度可取高些; 反之, 硬度可取低些。 The surface inspection of the cavity of the plastic mold should have enough wear resistance. Generally, the hardness of plastic mold is in the range of 38-55 HRC. For the mold with simple shape and high polishing performance, the hardness can be higher; on the contrary, the hardness can be lower. 2. 强度和韧性 2. Strength and toughness 保证塑料模在检测时,承受开模力、 熔体压力、 锁模力的作用下不发生变形或开裂。 Ensure that the plastic mold will not deform or crack under the action of opening force, melt pressure and mold locking force. 3. 耐蚀性 3. corrosion resistance 能抵御含有氯或氟元素的塑料,在加热至熔融状态时分解出的氯化氢或氟化氢等腐蚀性气体的侵蚀。 It can resist the corrosion of corrosive gases such as hydrogen chloride or hydrogen fluoride decomposed from the plastics containing chlorine or fluorine when heated to the melting state. 4. 耐热性和尺寸稳定性 4. Heat resistance and dimensional stability 塑料模具材料检测应表现出稳定的组织和低的热膨胀系数, 以保证在1 60~250℃温度条件下长期工作, 不氧化、 不变形。 The inspection of plastic mold material should show stable structure and low thermal expansion coefficient, so as to ensure long-term operation at 160-250 ℃, no oxidation and deformation. 5. 导热性 5. thermal conductivity 能使塑料制件尽快地在模腔内冷却成型 。 It can make the plastic parts cool and form in the mold cavity as soon as possible. |
上一页 由于U形截面尺寸不同,当宽度较小时,无法与模板组装 |
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